Anyone walking down Robson Street who didn’t know what was going on (and who should really be at home) might think the city was preparing for a hurricane—or recovering from yet another out-of-control hockey riot.
However, what is taking place in one of the city’s highest-profile shopping districts is in reaction to offshoot problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Meanwhile, not far away, something of a very different nature—or the complete opposite—is taking place.
While every night at 7 p.m., West Enders take to their balconies, windows, porches, and doors to cheer on and thank healthcare workers for their efforts and expertise in fighting the pandemic and saving lives, things rose to a new level when the Vancouver Fire Department and the VPD got in on the act.
Click here to read the full story on The Georgia Straight news.
Similar story can be found here: The Tri-City News.