The Centre for Advancing Health Outcomes (Advancing Health), is uniting leaders in gerontology, nursing, health economics, big data analytics, digital health, architecture, and population and public health into a first-in-BC Seniors’ Care Research Group.
Its leader is Dr. Amy Salmon, a scientist and associate director of Advancing Health whose research emphasizes health-service delivery improvement in seniors and other types of care.
She has been named the inaugural Conconi Family Foundation Distinguished Scholar in Seniors Care. The Foundation and community partners have provided dedicated funding they will use to create positive change in seniors’ care.
With British Columbia’s senior population projected to increase to almost a quarter of the province’s residents by 2041, the position is timely.
The Scholar will be part of health systems, to support adoption of new evidence and innovation across the province, beginning with Northern Vancouver Island, home of Providence Living at The Views. As part of Providence Research, she will also be part of the Home for Us team and at the future St. Paul’s Centre for Healthy Aging.
Dr. Salmon will conduct developmental and principles-focused evaluation within the seniors’ care system. This approach will include listening to staff’s day-to-day concerns and rethinking every aspect of the where we deliver care.
Funds raised will support dedicated leadership by Dr. Salmon and the work of a full team in seniors’ care research from January 2024 to January 2034.
Seventy-five per cent of the funding has been secured to date. Along with the Conconi Family Foundation, support has come from Providence Living, Island Health, Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation, Nanaimo General Hospital Foundation, and the Eldercare Foundation.
This story is adapted from an original Providence Living piece.