Kensington Palace announced Monday morning that Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is expecting her first child next spring.
Becoming a parent is amazing and overwhelming at the same. Your baby is new to the outside world and you are learning to adjust to your new normal.
Unfortunately, babies don’t come with an instruction manual but we put together some tips that you might find useful:
Get help from others
Along with recovering from pregnancy and birth, you are now caring for and feeding this little bundle of joy. This is the time for someone else to do chores around the house, cook, grocery shop, etc. Call on family and friends for help and when they offer to help – accept their offer!
Create a feeding nook
Make sure you have a comfortable spot to feed your newest family member. No matter if you are breast or bottle feeding, nurturing your baby takes time. It’s just as important to nurture and feed yourself. Have water and snacks beside your feeding spot that are easily to grab. Have enough pillows to support your back and the baby, a stool for your feet, some tissues, and your phone or a book.
Nap when the baby is napping
No day is like the other, so use the time when baby sleeps. Whenever possible get a rest in even if you do not sleep. Babies sleep a lot in the first month, but they sleep in stretches of 2-4 hours at a time day and night – it helps for you to do the same.
Celebrate small victories
Every day will be a new day for learning and new obstacles, some you might have thought you already conquered. Some days just getting dressed will be a victory and that’s okay. Don’t try to “do it all” but instead focus on the necessities and ask for help when needed. Be kind to yourself – you’re a great mom!
Enjoy lots of skin to skin snuggles
Naked cuddles with your baby have a positive impact on both of you. If possible, hang out in bed or on the couch for the first week together and enjoy this lovely way of welcoming your new family member.