During the Christmas holidays of 2018, Mike Butterfield was diagnosed with a genetic condition he unknowingly had his whole life — polycystic kidney disease, or PKD. The disease causes kidney failure and affects about one in every 500 Canadians. It is more common than Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy, yet it is much less known.
Jim Butterfield is hoping for the best Father’s Day present he can imagine — a kidney for his son.
During the Christmas holidays of 2018, Mike Butterfield was diagnosed with a genetic condition he unknowingly had his whole life — polycystic kidney disease, or PKD.
Anyone interested in learning more about how to become a living kidney donor can contact the St. Paul’s Hospital Living Donor Program by phone at 1-877-922-9822 or by email at donornurse@providencehealth.bc.ca. Reference Michael Ross Butterfield, birthdate June 30, 1975.
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