Stimulant use disorder contributes to a substantial worldwide burden of disease, although evidence-based treatment options are limited.
This systematic review of reviews aims to: (i) synthesize the available evidence on both psychosocial and pharmacological interventions for the treatment of stimulant use disorder; (ii) identify the most effective therapies to guide clinical practice, and (iii) highlight gaps for future study.
A systematic database search was conducted to identify systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Eligible studies were those that followed standard systematic review methodology and assessed randomized controlled trials focused on the efficacy of interventions for stimulant use disorder. Articles were critically appraised using an assessment tool adapted from Palmeteer et al. and categorized for quality as ‘core’ or ‘supplementary’ reviews. Evidence from the included reviews were further synthesized according to pharmacological or non-pharmacological management themes.
Click here to read the full review on Physician’s Weekly.